Sky Wars Height Limit Message

Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Sky Wars - Height Limit activated text

Affected Text:
‘‘A altura mínima de jogo está [VERDE]ativa!’’

Suggested Text:
‘‘A altura mínima de jogo foi ativada!’’

Explanation of Issue:
The in-game phrase is bugged and is literally showing the text written ‘green’ instead of turning it green (verde = green)
The suggested sentence also corrects the verb tense of the word ‘active’ - The current translation suggests that the protection was already activated and you are only being notified now; the new suggested translation gives the actual meaning, which says that the protection has just been activated.

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting a suggested improvement for our translations!

I have gone ahead and fixed the broken color code, but have kept the text as it is, as we determined that it is an accurate translation of the English text.

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