Sky Royale And Skywars Mege Rotation

I would like to see a return to sky royale and this would obviously take up a similar player base to sky mega, so my idea would be a rotation system of both maybe monthly.

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This would allow player counts to be spread and work for both game modes, keeping the games fresh and allowing both to co-exist with each other allowing hive to have more content.

i agree, would love for sky royale to be back in some capacity


Thats a very good idea!


they are adding sky royale back as you can read here:Let's Talk About Treasure Wars
near the bottom before FAQ


Dude, this would be amazing. As Tabloid stated, Sky Royale returned, but then got removed again.
This would be more beneficial since Mega has been around for more than a year, and Sky Royale got taken from us waayy too soon. :frowning:
Also, misspelling of “Mega” in the title.

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The unfortunate reality is that Sky Mega is a lot more popular than Sky Royale, which after only a couple of weeks was not able to sustain enough players.


Well, ( I think ) the reason behind why Sky Royle is not that much popular is there are not enough maps.

Pls tell me that I am right or wrong or stupid rn.


very reasonable, although I still enjoy the game a lot, if the players are not there then it’s not sustainable which is understandable


the reason royale didnt get enough players is b/c it was just the same chaotic and messy worse version of skywars from earlier which got removed

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At first I thought this too however my theory is how many players are required to start it’s really hard to keep players waiting for a gamemode in which there is already different versions of that start quicker.

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I believe that the reason that it didn’t sustain players was simply because it had two very similar maps. Nothing grand was added in the rerelease, and it could’ve made it popular again.


Bump, many players have wanted Sky-Royale, and a rotation system could work really well for it.

Sky Royale???

I think Sky Royale just needs building up on the bare bones it was to be able to sustain a playerbase. You could make it a faster way for SW players to get XP but that would probably starve out trios.

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