Sky block Combat

Sky block but it’s a pvp game mode:

We all have heard and most likely played Skyblock, and most of us know that Hive won’t add skyblock because it isn’t a mini game. However Sky Block Combat would be similar to Treasure Wars.
I think this would be a good way to have skyblock but also make it fit into the hive. It’s not completely finalized yet but I hope I’ve got my point across.

How to play:
There would be 8 spawn islands. Each would have a chest with materials for a cobble stone generator and everyone would spawn with a wooden pick. The spawn islands would be classic sky block islands. I picture it set up like a TW Duos map with the twist of diamond generators replaced with zombie farms for iron and in place of emerald generators would be chests with wolfs and bones that reload every 3 minutes.

I’m still debating about having hunger and have some ideas of adding parrots and tnt in a squads game mode.

Seems like a more complicated and time-consuming version of Skywars if you ask me.


I will probably make a moc up in a creative world to explain it better but for now I have fleshed out the post :grinning:

So classic SkyWars



not neccessarilly, maybe give it a re-read

So, an unnecessarily long version of skywars… Hmm… I’ll pass

I agree with @Xymoxix on this one :confused:

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isn’t this kind of like skyblockle in MCC? I don’t see this being added, the hive usually tries to be orignal, but idk.

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yeah like xymoxix said its a time consuming and original version of SkyWars.
The Hive will mostly, always try to be original…
And yeah its from the MCC