Show stats at the end of Bridge

Add stats at end of bridge instead of just experience gained

Currently this is what you see when you finish a game of bridge

This is what you see when you finish a game of block drop (or any other game, just different stats)

Since you can see your stats in the waiting lobby for bridge, that means the stats are being tracked and stored, meaning this should be able to be implemented without much hassle

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this got buried

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Even though this might not be super useful, its still good if it is implemented.

You have my vote :ballot_box:


I mean
If other games can have it then why not bridge?


i’m still baffled as to how this isn’t added yet

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Perhaps you should submit this in #server-bug-reports! It seems like the expected behavior would be for it to show you your kills, deaths, goals scored, etc.

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This isn’t a bug, you can’t actually see more stats other than the experience you earned in Bridge. If it was a bug then Hive would have fixed it a long time ago.


Bump because this information would be very useful when keeping track of your progress in the new bridge quests.


These are all very true points. Why is this not a feature yet? :joy:


Bump! I would love to see this added.

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As soon as I started playing Bridge, I really wanted to see those stats as I never pay any attention to them during the game. Voted!
(also BUMP)

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