Shields for SG and TW

Who what when where why how no

I see this as very bad idea people just would keep on crowching and dont take damage

lol this guy’s self esteem is probably -999 now. 22 people replied to this topic and there is still only one vote, his.

Idk mate, just say to implement the OTHER mechanic 1.9 Java added, yes shield cooldown, just hit someone with an axe and poof, combo them

its because on any other platform you have to hold the key to shift but on mobile you can crouch and take your hand off the phone. I am not targeting mobile players just saying what I think (It’s totally my opinion)

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holding crouch isn’t hard but ok

holding shift isn’t hard at all? also you do know there are clients with togglecrouch lol

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off topic, but a shield that gets disabled every successful block sounds like a cool custom item, for some servers