SG Update - Very Important

Stuff SG needs:

It wouldn’t even take much effort to just import some of the old java maps into SG. For example: Eau De Source, Isla del Rosa, Condas or Libertas we don’t need many more just have a monthly rotation. Generally it would be best to make the maps smaller so the game is more fast paced like the other games.


  • After years of the same lootpool its time to change things up a bit with lower amount of arrows. It’s not uncommon to get 30-50 arrows in one solo.
  • Firecharges or a Flint and Steel with 3-5 uses would also be a great addition and bring more depth into the gameplay.
  • Crafting could also be add more to the game but to be fair i dont know how easy it is to craft on mobile.
  • Diamond swords need to be more scarce they do to much damage with low armor.
  • Reduction of the amount of Boomboxes its just insane to have 6 every DM

Additional Levels
Like come on at this point its just a joke…
Add them levels i wanna see prestige 3 :blush:

They are pretty annoying, crates like in skywars would fit better or at least give us the option to always drop all items on kill / destroy the box.
Some designs would also be nice.

Armor Variety
The armor at the end of the game is always the same it would be nice to see more variety like gold armor.

Why I think my opinion matters:
I’ve only been a member on Hive Bedrock since October 2023 but I grew up with HiveSG on Java back in 2015 and I would say im currently one of the better players of EU.

Thank you for reading this and dont forget…

I fully agree with this suggestion we have an uptade for the sg :pray::pray::pray:


mods please show some love to this game ;(


At least add levels its not hard 20 new gamemodes before adding levels to sg is sad


any update would be amazing


I would love to see some new maps like blossom actually good for sg I think they should make the maps smaller or add a closing border becuase a lot of people get bored of the pace


thanks i forgot to write that down added it to the post now ^^


closing border and maybe a couple kits with a couple items to help noobs

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I fully agree!

Some more ideas could include an item that can break webs faster, or just make webs faster to break in general.
And of course adding a Trios and Squads for sg would be very nice (altough i heard it might cause technical difficulties).

I don’t think adding Kits, Crafting or Enchanting is a good idea, but thats just my opinion.


They should and a leaf that gives you a small boost and lets you get out of webs

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What’s with all the new users was this posted on the discord or smth?


Or alt accounts


NO. PLEASE NO. Snowballs are fine where they are in SG. More prominent snowball spam will ruin the game and make it less fun over time just like it did with Treasure Wars.

That said, I do agree with everything else


yea changed that point got many complaints about that haha

its fine, we have the recipe book lol.

tap-to-snowball and being unable to open chests midcombat are way more important, crafting would probably make the game better for everyone



Its because it was posted on the discord, many from that came over to vote for this. Typically there isn’t a problem with alt accounts so it’s best to assume it’s from the discord instead.

Anyways, I love everything in this post besides crafting. I just don’t understand any bit of why anyone would ever want this. I can only think it would make the game even more slow paced, which I’m sure most players already find the pace of sg too slow. Can someone go into more detail of how it would improve the game?


Wait how is this posted on discord? (Like where) I might post some of mine

Yeah i can confirm its on discord I just saw SG chat

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SG comm has been downbad for the past 4 years lol


But they were all joined 3-4 hours ago!!