SG: Add Console Maps

Hey! Its pretty simple. In minecraft console edition, there was a minigame called “Battle”. The base version of this minigame had 3 Maps: Crucible, Cavern and Cove.
Pictures of the maps, in order stated:

Ok, Maybe I was lying earlier in the post.

These wouldn’t just be the maps, they would be remade versions to suit the player amount. They would still look pretty much the same, just bigger.

Thanks for reading!

Yeah, i think this is a great idea! I mostly play minecraft on my switch, but sometimes i’ll play on my ps4 if i want to play my old legacy worlds or play a bit of battle. It would be great to have a map for the old mc players. Maybe just one though. Voted!


Nonononono you don’t just get to give me a question like that. please have mercy

Cavern is the most iconic one, but also probably the least practical for 21 players. Crucible could be interesting with the lava, and is probably the most nostalgic one. Cove is the most practical but probably the least iconic.

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You said they would be remade to suit the player amount, right? So this wouldn’t be an issue.


I thought there was more maps, just ones you had to buy?


Yes there were.

I never bought it but Shrunk was pretty cool. :)


Oh yeah, good point!

There were tons of DLC maps, my personal favourite being Shrunk, but the greek one (Medusa i think) and Siege were also pretty cool.

Also a feature I think would be interesting from Battle would be the removal of the backpocket as it allows for more strategic gameplay- cookies of apples?

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Tbh, sg just needs a huge update in general. When I get back from holiday, I’m gonna grind sg, so I rly hope there’s some cool update soon.


Good Suggestion but hive would have to make a deal with 4J Studios and also I think this would be better as a seperate mode since these maps are more about verticality than SG is. But I am afraid this may be unlikely as Hive might not wanna bother with this but you got my vote.

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Fun fact: As it turns out, a lot of console players hate bedrock edition! You can still play the original console edition if you had it on ps4 before the move to bedrock and the battle game mode is still very active online!


yeah but those lobbies don’t fill up the way they used to and when they do they are filled with people from another region so the matches are kind of laggy

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Honestly I like the idea of sg maps going vertically instead of horizontally. Could make for some interesting gameplay


Nice idea :bulb:
Voted :ballot_box:

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Yeah I probably prefer console edition over bedrock, the minigames were literally perfected and when you go back it doesn’t feel like its tons of stuff, it feels nice and simple. The old textures even tho some uglier, were probably better.

Eh i disagree, the old textures had a bunch of different styles and shading and stuff, and felt like a mishmash of textures from different people, the new textures for all the blocks, items, and entitys really mix well and establish the “minecraft style”, in my opinion

Anyway to keep on topic, What if they actually DID add some dlc maps?

I really dont like this Idea, Hive got way better maps from Java. Even my self got the old Hive maps. I really dont know why they dont use them


Whilst I love this idea, these maps are wayyy too small. Even with the large-scale maps, the games will be finished very quickly. Chest loot will be gone almost instantly as they don’t replenish and will require a total revision of the maps making it an entirely new thing.


Ayaan read this ^^^

I just think it isn’t very practical to do :​(
Especially when Hive doesn’t even focus on SG anymore, they’ll probably think it’s a waste of time. Not only this, the Hive build team will have to remake their pallet and design choice to cater for those specific maps

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