See team mates name tag when crouched

When your team mate is crouched you can’t see where they are, this is really annoying as one of you might be swarmed or hiding from a bunch of players.

I feel this is a deliberate feature in the game, as crouching is a way of hiding in Minecraft, as well as ‘getting low’. Players use crouching as a means of camouflage and even when it’s your teammate crouching, you may give away their hiding spot by being uncrouched.

Feel free to disagree with my opinion :slightly_smiling_face:


this would just tell you where they are when they are crouched


This should be a suggestion for Minecraft itself. On Java, you can see someone’s nametag, even if they are crouching, when they are out in the open and you are able to see them. This doesn’t mean that you can see their nametags through blocks if they are crouching.

And besides. If a player is low on health, I don’t think they would like it if they get hunted down by a few other players.

but default minecraft doesn’t have a team system