Searchbar in the Gift Menu

A search bar in the gift menu for the costumes
This would help locate the correct costume faster…


Oh my. I was just typing this out for a suggestion-


Voted this is useful cause scrolling though 99999999 costumes takes a while to see the one you want

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i mean it would be useful but its also not hard to look, the costumes are in alphabetical order.

Bump because would be useful now that more things (pets, costumes, etc.) are being added

also this would just be a quality of life updated

This would actually help with a lot, as yesterday, I bought a comms off someone and I needed to gift them some costumes. So I bought 5 costume gifts (2 spare for the future) and I scrolled down on the first one. They wanted the costume ‘Sprinkles’ but because I wasn’t really concentrating (probably because the list was so long), I accidentally clicked on ‘Sparkles’ which is basically right next to Sprinkles. This was quite annoying, but it didn’t matter too much.

Would love for this to be added, as it is very difficult to find certain costumes.