➨ Santa's Quest (Sad Snowman) Increasing the Time!

Changing/or increasing the time for one of Santa’s Quest (Sad Snowman) for mobile players, ipad players, nintendo players, & more.

They SHOULD change the time a little higher for the Sad Snowman quest where you have to punch, run, and make the parkour to finish. for mobile players and more, They can find it tricky, If you are a mobile player and You HAVE completed it on Mobile or any other device like ipad, nintendo and so on. Think about other people’s skill and abilities and try visualize how they find it difficult to do. If you agree that it should be changed even a little higher by a few seconds then vote. Let me know what times You think could be best to make this fair for both PC players and touch players.

SpringBasket100 - i feel maybe for the mobile players they should be given 45 seconds instead
crazyman1234 - I am pretty good at parkour so I did it in like 2-3 tries I think (on phone)
but still its hard for normal players

This is a duplicate suggestion from here.

Also I don’t think Hive will add this. You just need to try hard if you are on mobile or try connecting controller or keyboard and mouse on it. Have a nice day! :wave:

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:ok_hand: Thanks for your feedback, thanks for letting me know what time should be required for this quest. It is totally understandable to find it a disadvantage for mobile players. I hear people even talking about how it takes them even 10-5 tries to complete the quest just by the timer being too short :sweat_smile:

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Tbh I did from the second try. I just didn’t know what to do/wasn’t enough fast in the first one. :wink:

remember, as i said, try and think about other players skill and abilities when they do this, some people run and then unsprint on mobile, hit some of the walls, fail the parkour, whether or not connecting anything to any touch device is the job, still al-together it can be tricky for those who don’t know how to improve on doing this better or anything like that. This definetly at least needs a vote. People really aren’t taking hands in others view on a touch screen or finding it how hard (EVEN, even if it Isn’t SO hard) difficult. I’m just saying this could come pretty fair, and PUNCHING the things too while running on MOBILE??? ON MOBILE, I literally have to stop for a second and punch then keep on going. You change your mind?

Try running and punching at the same time (no need to hold it)

do u not understand the way iOS works? U have to literally press forward and then turn with your finger moving on the side. Just try think about the players who find it tricky, if you don’t fine, You may have different strategies to play the game. If you don’t play on any touch devices that’s fine. I just hope u understand where I’m leading here :pray:

@mckristiyan28yt u dont need to @ mention the mods just flag the post with the reason as “other”

@SamUmAiR9505 please do not make duplicate posts “use the search function b4 making a new topic”

i think the time is fine tbh i did it on my phone first try


excuse me but I didn’t like the post I created, I talked with Adi (It’zWoozieE) and he locked down my suggestion that I had made. I couldn’t be bothered editing it and I felt like making a completely new one, and a Staff member had accepted the request to lock down the other one, please do not think I am duplicating the posts, I know it may look like I am duplicating the same suggestion. But I had made some misunderstanding mistakes and wasn’t really focusing on the suggestions and got better responses in that one to improve on this suggestion. Thank you :+1:

Now let’s try stay on-topic from now on :v:

tyty for the votes everyone

I like the less time. It makes it like a rush and you can’t just slow down. I like it how it is…


I think it should be less, because it is supposed to be a challenge


They still complete it, and that just means they are getting better at parkour lol

gotta love it how when a person is mobile, the complain and complain and when that person switches to pc, they say


tru. invis


yeah. invis

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Weird how you were not a pro at mobile, but when you switched to PC, mobile automatically becomes easy.
:man_facepalming: :rofl:


I find this funny, get some room for improving yourself.

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