🔥 sabotage on the warehouse map!

I recently came across a problem: it is very difficult to play as a killer on the warehouse map. She’s too open. An innocent person can easily detect or even eliminate a traitor by hiding somewhere on the shelves. To fix this, I suggest adding the ability to commit sabotage - turn off the lights, as on the backrooms map.

This solution will not only help to make the warehouse map balanced, but also make the gameplay more fun.

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Yes, yes, yes, And yes

Maybe even yes


Your ideas about MM are great, especially the illustrations.


Heya there
I voted for no because hive should keep the maps originally maybe add another map with that feature

Have a good day tho!
death :black_heart:


I disagree, old maps need updated to the new standards. We’ve recently seen the hub completely redone to meet these new standards, but there haven’t been any maps thats been updated(until bedwars comes out, all tw maps are being updated(very slightly)). They have even updated all the textures in murder mystery. The recent murder mystery maps have special features such as: turning lights off, flooding, mystery chest, collecting cubes, collecting keys, and more. Its a whole lot easier to update maps instead of making new maps, not only is it easier for them to make, it allows us to continue enjoying these maps we’ve known and loved.

Instead of turning off the lights, it should give the darkness effect. Since it fades in and out, making it where adding flashlights isn’t needed, and keeps it somewhat different from other maps’ special feature(s).


Personally I think the problem should be addressed at a new angle, where new maps are being too saturated in gimmicks. However I will address the lights.

As much as I like the lights gimmick, I genuinely don’t think it would.make an overly big difference for Murderers. As someone who personally murders regularly, I can safely say that I have more success in killing by stacking cupcakes and then stalking the map in semi-permanent invisibility.

The sad reality behind lights is that they dont actually work as effectively as players see they do. Yes it is jarring, but if you are running max brightness or on PC, Onix Clients Fullbright Augmentation, it just becomes a minor inconvenience.

It’s not the same as being invisible as the murderer, as on any map (except backrooms) if the person shoots while invis without any actual signs you were there, then it’s clear that they used some kind of client to see invisible players. As mentioned backrooms has particles for the invis, but they are still fairly challenging to see in practice.

So after examining the lights versus invisibility, it would be better to just not add the lights in the first place, Warehouse is big, the gimmick is inconsistent and thus, in practice it may siffer a similar fate to Backrooms Lights.


I’m returning to the hive forums to say this looks SUPER AWESOME! It would be cool though if there was also a sabotage that shook the warehouse, so the boxes would fall and crush you to death, like the supply crates in SG.


Welcome back!

wait you like Pokemon collecting?

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yesh :> I have atleast 3 binders full now