Russian Translation Issue in Description of Mounts

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Name of the Pet & Mounts Menu

Affected Text:
питомцы и верховые животные

Suggested Text:
питомцы и верховные животные

Explanation of Issue:
This suggestion will make the text more grammatically correct

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there,

Thanks for submitting a translation bug report.

Could you perhaps provide some more information as to what’s wrong with the current text?

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In my entire life I have very rarely seen this type of spelling. I believe that my suggestion might be a bit easier to understand to people who use the Russian translation because this type of wording is more commonly used in the russian language. (The way that the text is currently spelled is also correct but it might seem a bit confusing for people who don’t know exactly what it was supposed to mean)

На счет текста скажу обратное, он составлен правильно и в нем нет ошибок.
Единственное НО, это меню названо немного странно, так как в нём есть не только наездные животные (riding animals) но и “неодушевленный транспорт” то-есть по мимо пчелки там можно выбрать космический корабль или машину. Я бы это меню назвал так: “питомцы и транспорт”. Но звучит это менее красиво из за того что слово транспорт не во множественном числе.

Thank you for the additional information.

We have decided that the current string doesn’t need to be changed.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face: