Reward players for catching hackers

I don’t think it’s region specific. The EU in EULA doesn’t mean european union if that’s what you thought lol

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Let’s try to keep this thread on-topic. We’ve strayed very far from the OP’s topic. :+1:


I think its a good idea but I just feel that there to many hackers in the hive that if I actually try to report everyone it will take me minutes for just 1 sw solos game

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Thats kinda the thing, it doesnt matter how many there are, but rewarding people for it like 10 quest points would be great I think

yeah but I first thought it would be something more hard to get like boosters costumes etc.

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I record in 2k

I kinda like this idea but it will probably be best to wait until the in-game reporting system gets implemented first before adding something like this.

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yeah I just only see justbuild have ingame reporting because some people won’t swap to discord or the the website to report players they would just simply bare with the hackers

It’s just the satisfaction of catching them.

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