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You know the old costume opposite the hive bee in the lobby, the npc that you used to punch to go to your global unlocks locker?
this one:
image kindly provided by @zWhxtDoUWxnt
I think you should be able to get it if you max out every game on the Hive (except LTM games). If more games come out, you keep the costume and dont lose it, as you still managed it with 7 main games; however the requirements would change. You could maybe even get a hubtitle and an avatar to make it even mo…
You would get the costume after maxing one game, and then upgrade it for every game maxed after that. It would be possible to downgrade a stage as new levels are added. New stages to the costume would be added upon the release of new permanent game modes
I’ve made some concepts for how these costumes would look. I made 7 stages, for 7 non-LTM games. They progress in coloration, and 3D geometry
Disclaimer: These are quite generalized; The 3D modelers obviously wouldn’t be making it HD, or the w…