Reward for max level in all the mini games at once

Reward for max level in every mini game at once

For having max level in every game there should be a reward (not for only 1 game)

I’ve found out that all the dedicated hive players with max level in every game, there is no reward so I think there should be a reason for people to get and get max level in every game.

I think that the reward should be a costume with a hub title that maches it.

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what do you mean


There should be a reward for being max level in mm, sw, sg, tw, dr, jb, and hs

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no no no i get the idea but you can’t get max level all at the same time? (at once)

what? Hes saying if you are max in all games

i support this but its also not smart because they update the levels occasionally and what would happen? would they remove the reward?

Removing the reward would encourage people to keep playing

thats also… dumb

hey, you worked hard to max out all games! you grinded for months! here’s a reward you get for a month, but we decided to drop an update next month so that hard work and reward will be removed!

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Alright maybe the reward could be removed 2-4 weeks after the update

you’re still removing a reward people worked hard for??


It could just be a hubtitle, and they’d add a new one whenever they dropped an update or something, as hub titles probably don’t take that long to come up with

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