The changes I am talking about: automatic bed defense in Magic Manor LTM, map changes in squads.
To start off I want to say that these changes completely changes the way bedwars works which in my opinion ruins the gamemode. Since you do not need to protect your bed yourself, because it is done for you and in squads the changes of the maps triples or probably even quadruples the length of the games, completely ruining the experience for the majority of the hive bedwars players.
Secondly if the reason is to give new players a chance of gaining experience, then I will agree that these changes help with that, but it completely ruins the experience of bedwars for players who already have some experience in bedwars.
Instead of this I suggest making less drastic changes to bedwars like: moving each base back 1 or 2 blocks to increase the distance by only a small amount for squads and changing the deepslate to wood, but still increasing the length of the game by a decent amount.
On top of that the Hive already has device based matchmaking for bedwars, so this makes a prebuilt defense on the bed a little bit useless apart from increasing the game length by a stupid amount of time for no reason, because the players should be around the same skill level.
If the goal is to slow down the games even more for levels, then I suggest to stop changing every core element about the game like: maps, prebuilt defense and instead make it more difficult to gain XP.
If it is not to slow down levels or to give new players a chance of gaining experience, but to make games last longer without a reason I stated, then I think you’re making the wrong decision.
The majority of the players do not want the games to last longer than around 10 minutes, but with these changes to the maps and Magic Manor LTM you’re making the games last around 20 minutes and ruins the fun for the majority of the players.
These are not the only reasons I think that this is a bad idea, another reason this could ruin the fun for a lot of players is because of snipers who can and will easily not only prolong but also win games against party’s who just want to have fun playing the game most of the time these sniper will be ever so slightly toggled by for example using 3.2 reach so they do not get banned. (The reason why it is easier for snipers to win games is, because when a sniper has more time in a game it is easier to for them to win a game.)
In conclusion I, and the majority of the bedwars players on the Hive think the deepslate should be replaced by wood or completely be removed and the squads maps should be reverted back to normal or should be changed in a less drastic way as I stated previously.
By making it wood it will still increase the length of the game enough for people to use the wands, because I assume that was the reason for the deepslate defense, but it will not make the games too long and it will be fun to play.
Even though I do think it kind of ruins a small part of the game, because there will be no need to cover the bed since it gets covered automatically.