Revert the auto bed defense in manor

In the new bedwars patch your bed gets an auto DEEPSLATE DEFENSE in Manor.

This must be reverted as the reason I liked manor is because it was fast paced. The ruins the mode for me.

i agree, the game mode was playable and now it’s way too slow paced


Yes. Like what can I grind now?

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Give it a while first, it needs to be fully trialed, not just played once or twice. Wait a week or two and come back and see if your thoughts have been changed or not.

If they do revert it, they should trial wood first.


Agreed, it ruins the game for a lot of people and I know at least 20 people who don’t like the update.


completely agreed, they ruined the way to get fast wins after already ruining squads. please fix one or the other


I liked the fast paleness, altho not too fast. I think wood would be good. I was wondering why it auto gives us a depilate defense. But I agree I want it like the orginial
Also I feel like this should graduate from ltm to full on game mode


Can I add wood to the suggestion?

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Absolutely. I got on to the forums today just for one reason: to create this same exact post. I can agree that bedwars manor was a fun gamemode because of the fast pace (which grants a lot of XP for the many players to kill and is easy for grinding), but now with the new patch, it is unbearable to play. I now have to wait to get a pickaxe (AND return to my base AGAIN), and by the time I have obtained one and have made it to an enemy’s base, their entire time usually has a large amount of gear that is impossible to combat. I loved manor because someone with skill could rush and 5v1 an entire team if they were fast enough. I would suggest a change from a DEEPSLATE defense (which is absurd) to a wooden or wool defense. A deepslate defense is by far too extreme, especially because of the pickaxe price being twice as much as it costs to defend.

This is terrible. Hive wants teams to camp their base. Thats not fun!! Voted. There are so many people like me that hate this update. Are they gonna add an auto obsidian defense next??


Whats next, auto bedrock defence ??:skull_and_crossbones:

Also i only played manor once and not sure when does the auto defence spawn, like does it spawn immediately once the upgrade is brought or

Also voted since auto defence is bad. Normal bedwars have no auto defence so manor should have kept it that way

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Agreed, the entire reason I ever played manor was so I could get level quickly, and overall it’s really only fun without the bed defenses. I definitely want this feature reverted.


I’ve played it abt 15 times. It completely ruins the point of ‘ground bedwars’ by automatically making everything long and tedious.

this I could accept. Some sort of wood defense trial in the place of the deep slate would be acceptable.

  • Make it wood
  • Make it wool
  • Keep it as deepslate
0 voters

Vote up yall

Not Yoshi

Wackier is ending in 5 days


Btw does it like auto spawn over the bed once the upgrade is brought

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There is no upgrade, it does it automatically at the start of the game before the borders disappear


nice job with the poll. lol there’s no votes for deepslate. the hive doesn’t realize that none of the community (except for one or two gen campers) wanted this change.

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As a server which switched over from prioritizing originality to monetary gain, this move makes no sense at all. The game has been completely killed, dropping from 3k players before to only 850 average players about 4 hours after the update released. This is losing Hive money, which does not make sense.


How did they switch to not being original.


@NotYoshi2 I’m sure you remember my post lol - I am the legit reason they changed it to deepslate, Not voting this Xd

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