Replay isnt new

remove the “brand new” title from the replay pass thingy

replay’s been out for 8 or 9 months, idk about yall but thats not brand new :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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lol i notice that too it’s so stupid

also put this in #suggestions:replay-cinema or #suggestions:anything-else

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Yeah, that’d be great if they could remove that. Also yes, this isn’t bridge related

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@Trafficlight59 @Zanelees i deleted a draft and forgot to change topics oops

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dupe i think hmm


Ima bump this bc someone made a dupe and like, this post is nearly a year old and they still say replay is new

The only reasons it could say new are laziness or the hive trying to advertise it as brand new (but idk since that probably would break some false advertising law, I dunno I’m not phoenix wright)

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I don’t think any sort of case against hive could be made here, it’s not really that deceptive.

If they said you could edit clips, add filters and tihs like that, that would be false advertising and I don’t think anyone would really care except for the people that bought it anyway

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I agree it should be changed, maybe “popular” or something like that which isn’t as misleading as “BRANDNEW”


I swear i just look at the forums and all i see in replay cinema cat is “Remove brand new from replay cinema npc” i get that its not new anymore, but jesus christ im tired of seeing it, on every post like this people are complaining about the dupes. (im sorry if im being a bit aggresive, i don’t mean to be, but this stuff is getting on my nerves. :pleading:)

Welcome to the forums, where 50% of posts are dupes, and the other 50% are telling people their posts are dupes


It terms of Bedrock support for the replay mod, yeah I’d still say it’s new :joy: like this is the ONLY example of Replay on bedrock… at all. So :man_shrugging:

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this was made a year ago calm down bro :man_facepalming:


im sorry :sweat_smile: ill try and be more supportive, the Brand New does need to be removed, and just like Rechenheft suggested, it could be replaced with Popular.

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I think they removed it, might be an April fools prank :thinking: :thinking:


Oh my gosh they actually removed it 0-0 this is patched now!


So does this go in accepted ideas?