Replay Compass For Party Players


Replay Compass For Party Players

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Okay Hive Staff, I really want to implement good small feature for players, If player there in the party with people or friends and trying get out top of big box covered with invisible blocks, OR they’re getting lost to their friend on middle of replay cinema.

but One Problem is, They don’t have a compass to teleport.

:arrow_down: (Here’s the video link) :arrow_down:

I wish you hive team could add this cool feature for them to teleport players while using the compass.

Compass could interact to…

Teleport Players

Teleport Friend

There, you guys could vote this suggestion for the feature to be added.

Anyways, cya later hive forum andies! :wave:t4:

To paraphrase, you’re saying that in the replay cinema people should have a compass to teleport people in the replay regardless of whether they “own” the replay or not (or however that works) as well as the ability to teleport to other replay-watchers? That seems reasonable, voted!


UR a really Happy, Obnoxious, Twinning friend :smile:

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Userui went crazy with it :sob::skull: