MM needs an update + really good idea for a map, btw what pack is that?
Maybe a similar map but called “Film Set” or something
i like this, voted!
I adore this idea, its very unique and im not sure anyone would’ve thought of this so im happy you did!
bump because this is a great idea
also bc this idea seems too good to not be implemented
I’d love to see this as a map! You’ve got my vote :))
Oh this is really clever. Of all the games on the Hive Murder Mystery would be the most appropriate for this idea.
too late now!
the hive will never add maps after a gameplay update
well maybe NEXT update they can add this
This would be cool but I think:
A) Replay Cinema map is an area exclusive to those who buy it, and therefore should not be made free (I understand that the main purpose of Cinema is for replays but still)
B) Murder Mystery has enough maps so far with the recent additions of three so I think they should focus on making maps for games such as Arcade games.
That Place Is Cool But But It Mite Get Confuzing.
cough sg cough
but yea, as a murder mystery main mm does have lots of maps rn, and especially with the edition of the three new ones I think we can wait a bit for more.
this would be a pretty cool map, voted!
What if it had a stage morph into a random game map completely unchanged and would be teleported randomly? Like in ssb
Murder and Innocent balance!
Innocent: A ruby, emerald, and sapphire clapperboard will be hidden around the studio. It will unlock a gate to an ender chest that holds a black clapperboard that has physics like a throwable. If an innocent kills another innocent, it will eliminate both players, like a bow. It can kill the murderer.
Murder: a hidden white clapperboard can be used to make all of the cameras make a line of light, in a triangle growing outward that kills any innocent in a the line of light.
hey, this is a great idea! voted.
I haven’t noticed this!
I REALLY like the idea, but I feel that the middle space is a bit to open like if it had some boxes with video tapes in dotted around I think then it would be better
bump! i love this idea.
Maybe a control room like a death in death run that can turn on the security cameras and if you get caught 3 times some snakes fall from the sky and slither towards like a snail from wild life. Or it can shoot lasers from a flying drone but you must first find a security key
yes! i love the secirity key idea.