Replace Ground Wars with OG Snow Wars

Many people are bored of Ground wars since it became a permanent gamemode. Many people, like myself, enjoyed the feeling of grinding Snow Wars during the Christmas season which made it sort of exclusive. Ground wars is also extremely dead at all hours of the day. I can log on and see less than 30 people playing at some times. I think a way to make people enjoy it more and increase the player count would be to remove the gamemode, and bring it back during Hive Winterfest as snow wars each year (The OG version with no powerups). This would make the game exclusive and would keep the players from getting bored of it, and it would bring back a lot of nostalgia for people who grinded it in the years past. Thanks

Snow wars was an LTM for Christmas season and has since been permanently added under the name “Ground Wars”. They could still add the LTM back for Winterfest, but permanently replacing it is something I just don’t think they’d do.

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Yes but it will not be snow or eggs it will be rock

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Wdym? Rocks? Huh? Why would it be a rock? It’s eggs or snow. What suddenly turned it into “rock wars”? Hm?

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