isn’t hiding delaying the game? therefor not allowed?
Why hasn’t this been accepted after 100 posts and 112 votes?
Because the record needs to expand where it isn’t beatable
Because it’s not as important as other things like oh I don’t know SWARMS
swarms are coming SoonTM
wait how do you make the text go to the top
idk what u did but just search up trademark symbol on a web browser and copy and paste one
Or put TM in parentheses like this
It because the forums have 4k members but your suggestion only gotten 0.1k votes
this is the most voted suggestion lmao
most of the forumers are people that created an account and never used it
And that goes down to only 3k
not really. 90% of accounts are people making a stupid suggestion then leaving
No, we need respiration yeeted from existence.
(and also it won’t take that long so swarms won’t be delayed)
vouch. regular protection already eliminates fire damage i think
Oh well then
yikes 20 characters
In a universe, in a galaxy, in a solar system, in the planet Earth, in Asia, in the Philippines, in a city, in a town, in a neighborhood, in a house, in a room there is one guy thinking which is me
“Why isn’t this implemented yet?”
water does not update
they would have to change that first
mini bunp
Somehow my post got flagged on here for saying" I like your pfp" how is this flag able? I don’t even know where it on this topic
Being off-topic = Attempting to change the main discussion