Remove the Leap

Ok, this might be pretty controversial but uhhh

The leap actually sucks. Runners can just leap over most traps with no problem. Being a death already has barely any benefits but with people leaping over traps it makes it way too hard to get any xp.

So my suggestion is to remove it.

Thats it.


not again :skull::skull::skull: already ppl made dis soooo many times :roll_eyes: its rlly mostly bridge

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No, or the runner would have trouble on large maps. The game should be balanced on both sides.
Maybe we can adjust the cooldown time.
If you want the deaths had some chances consider a post before (adding lives system once you run out of lives you are eliminated)
Even on their Java server they had something function as leap.
But it’s three green cube and none of them leap front, one is left one is right and one is leap back, so if you want to leap front you need to turn your sides. (Maybe we can use this leap? I know it’s not friendly to mobile players)

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Thers no java hive server anymor idk i dont check

it closed already, but i know most games function from videos i watched

o k

I know it’s annoying, but with the leap a way to counter it is do the trap right in the middle of their momentum from leap and sometimes it works. Also pretty sure it’s a dupe, I don’t have proof, but it still rings a bell.

wat happend 2 ur pfp i thought u were someone else :sob: dats awkward :skull:

What does pfp stand fo? Edit: I googled it and wdym what happened to it is it not the bridge by a lake?

lol its jj cuz usually he has platypus as his pfp

It’s almost december 24th, on that day there will be no more platypus

oh i thought u meant u were leaving lik forums or something

I get more xp as a death than as a runner. Removing the leap would make world records unbeatable

Isn’t that the entire point of the leap?

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Btw JJ nice pfp

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Don’t vote

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Please remember to be respectful here, the forums are supposed to be a place open to all to suggest ideas for hive.


Sorwy man I will try to be nice

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Nah I don’t care I was just sayin but sorry if I was being rude

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