Remove the ability to use cobwebs underwater

Cob Webs in survival games
can be used underwater. Which is kinda weird because in regular Minecraft cobwebs are destroyed. In fact people use “water” buckets to get out of cobwebs.

I know water buckets are not needed to destroy cobwebs because there are swords, but that’s the problem. If you trap someone in cobwebs underwater, they cannot break blocks as fast. So someone outside of the water can just bow them while they are helpless.
They should make it so cobwebs are destroyed when underwater.

This should be retitled from “Cobwebs in SG” to “Remove the ability to use cobwebs underwater”.

Thanks, that makes a little more sense.

Voted, frankly I didn’t even know you could place cobwebs IN water because in most SG situations water would kill you, but this sounds really annoying.

Me personally, there aren’t many situations where this is a problem, so I don’t think it should be removed. But thanks for my next trap idea!!! :slight_smile:

You could probably drown someone with it, by the time they break one they already taking damage.

Depends if it’s the death match or not.

If it’s death match and you get someone in the water they are dead anyway. I have not found any way to get out of the water at death match (you take damage in the water at death match ) you can only by stall your inevitable death.
Although one time I fell in the water and shot the last guy with my bow and won the game.

I know. There is not another way to die in water in SG other than drowning, correct?

Yes, except In death match where you take damage in water.
Or if you are killed by a player while in water before death match.