I feel that as players, we should be allowed to requeue as many times we want and how fast we want, but a stupid message will says ‘‘you are already connected to this server’’, why must i wait for like an eternity so that i can requeue again, if i join a lobby that i dont like, why must i wait to requeue again,
therefore, that message needs to be removed and the queue cooldown too so that we can requeue as many times we want in a short span of time
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I think this is because there is not another lobby open yet so it trys to connect you to the lobby you are in.
I think they do this to limit the amount of lobbies being used to limit lag
this used to be how it worked, but it often ended up in too many lobbies being created and splitting queued players, slowing lobby wait times. imo its fine as it is; you can just wait a few seconds for the lobbies game to start and rq then
This is because they have a limit of how many lobbies are open at a time to reduce lag and separation of players.
It’s because they think you’re trying to suck in other people in your party, that’s why queueing works when the game is about to start. I voted this is a good thought.
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This is not the result of a cooldown, and not something we can change. The error occurs when there isn’t another lobby available.