Remove Innocent Killing In MM

I strongly believe that the feature where an innocent can kill another innocent/sheriff with a bow should be removed. It is very annoying when you are trying to grind levels when someone shoots you. I think that if you shoot someone who is an innocent/sheriff, it should kill you- Not them as well. Innocents are the good guys! Not the murderers!

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Interesting idea, and understandable ! But there can be also the fact that can teach other players to be carefull and not run anywhere like crazy. Don’t run toward me or from behind me when I try to aim the murderer grrr ! :stuck_out_tongue:

And also, that can also teach them to really be active and get coins, and show the bow to proove their innocence. How many times I got confused when someone was running in front of me, it’s so frightning, so what I do ? By reflex, I shoot. And everytime I’m saying “Well, next time don’t be suspicious !” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I just feel like the other, innocent, players shouldn’t have to suffer from someone else’s error.


Yeah, it always happens to me, that Im about to kill murderer, but someone just runs into my arrow, and it kills the innocent instead of murderer.


This would mean the sherrif just shoots at everyone

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Only the sheriff should die.

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Everyone in MM is supposed , to die. Regardless. That’s how MM is and will stay. As I’ve asked a admin before why saying who the murderer is allowed? Because that’s how it works and it always will be.


Ok. That’s a good point actually.

I mean no ghosting abeit to figure it out but yeah

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I mean you cant really ghost. Once you die you’re dead, you can’t chat


Ok I’m a boomer lol, I need to play more

d i s c o r d

v o i c e c a l l s


maybye make it, so it pierces through innocent, and if it hits murderer, it won’t kill you, nor innocent, but if it doesn’t, then, it would kill you (not the other innocent)

idk, that would still remove some of the challenge as sherrif

Ok , innocent killing is suppose to be part of the game. Its the job of the innocent to find the murder , kill them. Its the job of suspecting who is the murder. if the person is wrong and kills an innocent , they kill an innocent. And the person who kills them. Dies.

it also adds a level of realism into the game.


Just realized a very bad flaw in this idea, you could easily tell who is murderer and who isn’t, it would just be murderer finder, not murder mystery