Remove extra vote for Hive+
I am fine with the other perks of Hive+, like +50% xp, more custom games, and more quests per day. However I do not support them getting more votes. I have a close friend who is Hive+ and when we play together it is always fun to always get the map we want, but when you are on the other side, trying to get a map but some Hive+ have priority, so you don’t get the map you want. It makes Hive pay to win.
I am just suggesting it’s removal, It seems like an unfair advantage. I know it helps a lot when you have Hive+ but it just doesn’t feel right to me.
I have a feeling a lot of people will disagree with this, so just don’t hate me.
I understand your opinion, I have hive+ and it is one of the big perks of hive plus. However, if hive plus 1 more vote wasnt a thing, it would not be worth getting hive plus, I understand what ur saying tho.
They could probably just lower the price, it’s what, $10, lower it to around $6-7.
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Hive plus should have perks. More votes is fine, it’s not an advantage because anyone can win on any map. Lowering the price would be bad as many people would feel scammed.
I understand, but keep reading.
If the map voted by Hive+ is picked, and the Hive+ member has memorized that map, they play that map every single time, and that ends up being the map voted every game. You would start getting bored of this map as well as this Hive+ member knowing how to work on this map, making it much harder to win. Even though it is still possible it is made more difficult, sounds like pay to win to me.
Now Hive Games countered this problem by rotating maps, so that map will is not picked every time, however it will occur often.
Now you might make the argument that a Hive+ could still loose a map vote, but it takes 2 regular players for every 1 Hive+. “But another Hive+ can counter their vote.” You might say, well now Hive is causing people to buy Hive+. Why should I have to pay to get the map I want?
And they can just refund the minecoins back to users who already have Hive plus.
I know that the extra vote is not as big of a deal as I am making it, but it could lead to more “pay to win” perks in the future. I just do not want Hive Games to fall from its greatness, it is my favorite server.
This isn’t pay to win if you ask me. I have memorized every map in most games, and if a non hive plus does this too it’s not a disadvantage. IMO having a map memorized is skill therefore giving the person with more skill the upper hand.
Fair, I’m probably going to buy Hive+, so I am being hypocritical.
Hello! Although I understand where your comming from, theres only so much perks a rank can have. this one is simple, and useful. Although you said it provides an unfair advantage, I would have to disagree. Although they do have an extra vote, it is still very possible for a map that was voted by someone with Hive+ to lose.
I get why it may be annoying, but I believe it helps more than it hurts.
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Along with everything else that everyone said, if you don’t like a map that ends up being voted, you can just requeue with the “/q” command and try to get the map you want instead.
Yea but they cant just do that. A lot of the money is already spent and they wont do that.
Also, I dislike how much your trying to change the votes because it is something added to why you get Hive+. This idea literally just makes the Hive less money and give out less updates.
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that would be unfair to existing hive plus users. we already paid 10 dollars
EDIT: @DarthEagle99 explained this better than I did
We have no plans to remove this perk. Many players will have purchased Hive+ with this perk in mind, removing it wouldn’t be right.