I think the actionbar messages that appear simultaneously with the modern notification modals should be removed.
More info:
SG was one of the last gamemodes to receive modern notification ui implementation. Because of this I believe it may have been an oversight to not remove the actionbar messages that also contain the same information as the notifications that were added.
This seems completely unnecessary and interrupts the currently displayed actionbar which can have useful information such as your teammate’s details in duos and the activity tracker. By removing these duplicate messages the user will be exposed to more useful information at a given time in the same UI space, which feels like a guaranteed net positive.
[EDIT]: After playing a game I noticed the Crate notification doesn’t have an actionbar message, which does reinforce the idea that the other notifications which existed before the update were supposed to have their actionbar message removed, otherwise they would’ve added an actionbar message as well as the notification when introducing the crate refills.
Also for some clarity Actionbar Messages are the texts that appear just above the hotbar that often contain game information and have similar appearance to item texts, whereas when I refer to a notification I’m referring to the custom UI Hive implements in the Top Right of the screen that is used for things like friend notifications and in game events.