Remove ctf leaderboards


remove capture the flag leaderboards - it makes ctf next to unplayable for the majority of people wanting to play it. the leaderboards are basically just a contest who can play the most time in a month - people playing casually have no chance against them

leaderboards make it next to impossible to find a lobby not full of level 20s on 1 team & makes ctf impossible for new players to win

They most likely won’t do this but either get lucky and end up on the sweat team or just requeue and try your luck again lmao


Also why u keep saying “next to” lol

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Best bet is to try to get a party to play with. You can either ask in hub or on discord!

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shouldn’t have to get a party of level 20s just to play capture the flag - also this completely destroys the point of the suggestion. if i got a party of level 20s then i’d win every time - removing any challenge from ctf. remember when winning a game was fun? now it’s just :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:. either you get the level 20s or you don’t - that’s the only factor deciding whether you win that game or not


Winning a game hasn’t been fun in any game that involves PvP for the last 3/4 years.
Get used to it.

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