Removal of the Diamond Sword in SG?

They are all too common and when you get one it is stupid easy to get a victory with 5+ kills. It is so annoying to get to Deathmatch just to get your hard work undone by some derpy dude with a diamond sword. They can also spawn in CENTER CHESTS. That is absolutely stupid! And apparently they nerfed the appearance, which has made NO change at all! The only thing to do now is to remove it entirely in my opinion.

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what’s the point of removing it…?

i can kill people with diamond swords with stone swords. it all depends on skill ig

if you want to fight people fairly, find the supply drops.


“If you want to fight people fairly, find the supply drops.”

Ok, but in a big map this could be quite hard, and you can always get beaten to it.

“I can kill people with diamond swords with stone swords.”

I get the point of SG: Loot chests, eliminate other people and become the most skilled fighter. But what if (even though you can kill people with diamond swords with stone) some dude kills you before you have the chance? Then the dude rinses and repeats the strategy of sneaking up on people and eliminating them and wins because he has a diamond sword and he sneaks up on everybody. And when he says gg in the chat he is a level 1 player. So because of his diamond sword and sneakiness he wins a game of SG when he has barely any experience and is a level 1.
So basically, anybody can win at SG with a Diamond Sword, even if they fight players who can kill them with a Stone Sword.

It seem your just salt because you bad at game no ofinces


In Deathmatch if someone has a diamond sword and you dont, combo/bowspam them or just hit them off. I agree with making them less common but why remove them? Yeah its harder to win if they have a better sword but, with your logic, then shouldn’t diamond armour be removed too? But then someone in full iron will have a huge advantage after someone in chain, so you would need to remove that too.


Diamond swords are fine as/is rn, they give an advantage, but I take out diamond sword people with iron swords sometimes, so it is fine.


This wouldn’t make much of a difference, as many players can defeat diamond-sword-wielding players with lower tier weapons. Also, I don’t think it’s that much of an advantage anyway. \ (o_o) /

Why would they want to remove them? There’s things called advantages and desavantages. (I was going to say something else but then I forgot) You just made that Topic just to show how toxic you are. You don’t need that. And if you hate something, why even do it? Look I’m just level 3 in SG, which means, i’m a noob. And I don’t even care if I lose in Deathmatch cuz I like noobing around. And i’m not being offensive to you, so don’t shout at me or flag my reply. (also as @Splodg3r mentioned in one of his replies, if the report is not actually “true”, the report gets ignored and the reply dosen’t get taken down)

I’ll add this and be quite blunt, if you are in deathmatch, got a few kills and did some looting, you shouldn’t have huge difficulties taking out a diamond sword dude, I play alot but am mediocre, and still take out diamond sword people with an iron sword, abeit I choose fights wisely, and w-tap alot, but still. If you have crappy armour going into deathmatch because you can’t find chests thats your problem, if someone has a diamond sword and lands double the hits you land on them thats your problem, if you attempt to bowspam instead and they just strafe you like a god and you die Thats, your, problem. Hive isn’t going to remove an item because you suck at looting, have a good day.

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no need to beat him up about it, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. i win most of the sg games I play so this doesn’t really bother me (the ones I don’t get crash mid game) but I guess it would be more balanced if you got diamond swords from crafting and supply crates only.

you can’t use crafting tables in survival games.

huh, must be thinking of a different server.

you mean Hypixel? i mean, that server just on Java now.

I think he’s talking about Cubecraft


It looks like people have been coming in with replies to why it shouldn’t be removed, and that’s ok. I don’t even think the Diamond Sword will be removed anyway, and I think everybody’s points against my opinion are really good.

(No offense taken to those who thought I may have been a little salty)