“Regular” Rank

The Regular Rank is a free rank for those passionate about the HIVE, but cant pay for hive +

If you log in 5+ times in 7 days, you earn the regular rank, which would add an orange [Regular] next to your name.

The regular rank would be an interesting rank, because it would require you to login 4+ days a week to keep it, otherwise, you loose it.

The Regular rank would give you tools neccesary to grind levels and other basic functions, such as a 5% XP boost on all permanent gamemodes, a small discount on items bought with QP, like 2-5%-
and also a new set of super hard quests worth 50 QP, that would also be added for any ranked member

Any Ideas? Comment below! Thanks for your feedback!

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Not a bad idea, actually

5-7 days is a cakewalk, though, for a whole entire rank

Maybe a month would be something more appropriate


Fun idea, great for unranked players, also really good for grinding qp


Ya that was something i was considering also, it would just be a bummer if someone was on vacation a whole week and it took a month to get their rank back

Maybe 7/7 days to get it back?

But if I lose it and get it back, lose it, get it back over and over again that would seem weird

Also just get hive+

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seems pretty easy to get

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It seems too easy to get I feel like it should be at least 2-3 weeks

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What if there are people who cant afford it/parents wont let them get it because they think spending money on a video game is stupid (like me)

Yeah but like decoys said this should be 2-3 weeks also most people would have that if this would be added


Maybe a month to originally earn it but if you break the streak then its easier to reobtain

you realize almost everyone would have that rank right? its wouldnt really be anything special


Would this also be given to Hive + people?


Ya but like 10%

sorry for constantly making posts and not just editing one of the 2 i already made, but xp booster already exists. each day you join it gives you a 1xp booster, 2 xp booster, 3xp, etc.

Ya but if you miss a day you are screwed

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this would just break the symmetry


what if u have hive+ and regular rank at once?

same with login streak lol. its literally just login streak with a orange nametag


i’d be more concerned about losing the time owl than getting a pretty easy rank


But there is a problem, Hive already have /loginstreak system, So this additional features might not be necessary to them :thinking:

And what will other players do who already have a Hive plus rank. It will be unnecessarily chaos :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: