Short idea: red stone, sticky pistons, buttons, levers and pressure plates in skywars
Explained: we all know one of the most popular hive video was trapping. However, in the recent years, without red stone, the traps has slowly decreased. With traps in skywars, there would be countless content opportunities and further expand the hive community.
How it works:
Trapping doesn’t need to be complicated. It only needs a few redstone things to be added. My idea would be to add copper ores to the “semi-middle” islands (between mid and spawn). Copper is commonly thought to be related to electricity and same as redstone. This would be a perfect mix. When mined, the copper ores dropps either, 16 redstone dust, 2 regular pistons, 2 slime balls or 16 wood.
This is where the controversy begins. I would add crafting to skywars but for limited recipes. You would only be able to craft: wooden pressureplates, wooden buttons, levers, slime blocks, sticky pistons, wooden doors + trapdoors, redstone torch and possibly a crafting table. This wouldn’t allow The players to gain overpowered resources while still allowing players to use redstone.
Why the copper ores only spawn in the “semi mid” is to discourage too much camping. I think this would make it much more balanced and not impact too much gameplay as it is not at mid.
This update would add exciting new content to the hive, advertising it more while also letting some players being able to express their creativity while also having fun
I like the idea. The only problem I see is if someone built a flying machine and flew off. But I’m not even sure that’s possible. Voted!
That’s a really good concern but I didn’t include observers so it wouldn’t happen lol. Thinking about it, that’s basically just bridging with crumbling cobblestone. Maybe hive can implement a side border, 100 blocks out from each spawn islands
Idk I feel like an ore dropping redstone would be a bit random, I think it would just be cool if it was in a kit in classic mode
Players wouldn’t be able to get redstone everywhere so it’s a kinda rare thing. Skywars classic is a LTM and I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to update it
. Sky classic is also too fast paced for trapping since eveyrone would be dead when you finished the trap. Skywars kits… I don’t think so either because there’s already a trapper kit. And plus, this would get more or create more players into base skywars.
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Ah I didn’t actually know it was an LTM also I think kits is gone now lol
Haha, nah. Kits is coming back… I wish. Actually… I don’t care about kits ngl. And plus, there is the sky kits forum page.
Maybe an idea to change it would be to have an EXTREMELY limited amount of blocks to use from, like redstone, redstone blocks, dispensers, and pistons (either idk) and nerf it to 2 redstone per drop and one of everything else with 25% chance for each. About the center islands, I think it would be smarter to have it at middle so that it wouldnt be as easy to obtain as you basically have to “own mid” or sneak around the person who does. While I think it would be a really funny idea and would give more traps to the community, I feel as if some nerfs should be added to your idea.
In a nutshell:
2 redstone - 25%
1 redstone block - 25%
1 dispenser - 25%
1 sticky piston - 25%
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Ye, good idea. I just don’t think dispenser and red stone block would do anything… maybe like, red stone torches and slime blocks?
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Redstone blocks are basically the same as redstone except redstone blocks are always powered while torches can be turned off
Dispensers would let you throw arrows and snowballs which would make it interesting as they could be put farther away
Also if this would be added, maybe make redstone 50% brightness? No clue if theres a way but itd be cool
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I agree on dispensers but not redstone blocks. Dispensers seems really cool and has a really high skill level to it. The redstone blocks however, is just unnecessary as it doesn’t contribute to much of the automations.
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I like redstone i might play sw if it was there
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