Ranked Skywars Solos


Ranked Skywars (exclusively solos) could be added to the Hive to not only satisfy the competitive community but to also sort stronger players from the weaker players so both parties have more fun queuing opponents floating around their personal skill level. I believe this would not only attract more users in general to the Hive, but would also be great for content creators and may even provide an incentive for Java players to try it out as well.

Since this modification of Skywars is more focused around pure skill, some aspects of the game should be tweaked to suit this. For example, the Aspect of The Flames (or Aspect of the Fire, I honestly can’t recall) with it’s 1 in 4 random chance to deal a “fire-hit” should be removed entirely. Overpowered PvP items should also be removed or nerfed (such as snowballs). Armour should be nerfed as to prevent long-term fights risking third-parties or constant running. These are some simple suggestions as there is a lot more to consider when it comes to modifying the gameplay, but I believe Hive Staff are smart enough collectively to figure this one out.

More information:

Diecies, PatarHD, PotatoPie and IgnacioBlades have all supported the idea of Ranked Skywars as an addition to the Hive. Similarly to most ranked systems, it should have ELO-based scoring, with leaderboards to further push the competitive nature of it.

Hello! :wave:

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Ranked SkyWars Suggestion.

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