Ranked Mode for Treasure Wars and Skywars

Ranked/Competitive Mode

I think a ranked/competitive mode would be pretty cool for treasure/skywars. You can progress through ranks (kind of like rocket league).

Treasure Wars-
Bronze could be level 1-15
Silver could be level 16-30
Gold could be level 30-50
And diamond could be 50-75

Bronze could be level 1-10
Silver could be level 11-20
Gold could be level 21-30
And diamond could be level 31-40

Hey!:wave: This has already been suggested. Use the :mag: before suggesting next time!

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My bad, Iā€™m new to these forums

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I believe this is the link to the original post link tw
Here is the one for skywars link sw

Please correct me if I am wrong

And its fine if you occasionally make a duplicate, everyone makes mistakes.


:musical_note: everybody makes mistakes :musical_note: everybody has those days :musical_note:

oh sorry

YES YES big dupe indeed