Random Costume Picker Option

Add an option to randomize your costume every round of a game. Maybe add a toggle down by the reset to default option in the costume GUI.


This hasn’t been seen in a while and I think it deserves some more attention!


This is a great idea, today i sat there and i kept typing /costume. Why was i typing /costume? Well, pepe is a very indecisive frog and equipped Treasure Hoarder and then typing /costume again and tried Fish in a Suit. Then he typed /costume and tried “Chicky” from the 2019 egg hunt. Then he typed /costume and picked Treasure Hoarder. Then he repeated what i just said about 3 times.

I actually just realized that I suggested this about 4 months before this, here.

@Hlzyzptlk this can be closed. :ok_hand:


Go vote on the other thread!

When you can still edit even tho it’s closed

Lol I’ve been reading a lot lately, decided to edit this once again. It’s now November 20th, 2020. This post is kinda old.