Questmaster parkour

So most people know that there are only 3 parkours im the main hub, right?
Well, why not add one more?
So here is my idea:
Add a parkour stretching out above the questmaster hut. You can reach it by going up the ladder behind the questmaster, then the parkour will stretch out in the direction the questmaster is facing, over the swamp.
The parkour will be purple and yellow.
The hubtitle reward will either be
The adventurer
The quester
Feel free to leave Hubtitle ideas
Anyway thanks for reading, and please leave feedback!

You misspelled this

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I changed it thanks

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Hmm… I’m not really sure about this. The quest master will be getting a HUGE update in the future, so maybe there will be parkour or maybe not.

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Hub title idea: On the hunt!

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You know why not? I’ve already done all the parkours 'cause of my cool skillz :sunglasses: so another parkour challenge would be great.

Yes this hub title would be great for completing this parkour.

What about the mushrooms on top of his hut

Hub Title:

The Master’s Aprentice