Punching A player With the party Book Invite them to Your Party

There isn’t a damn need to argue or fight. The other topic didn’t say anything about punching a player with the party book to invite them. This is pretty much a different suggestion to that as the other post never mentioned how they would invite them then just ‘without using a name.’ Calm yo damn self.



This Would Make Life SO Much Easier!

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please dont revive old topics

this is necro posting


What @HolyPotato263 said. Don’t post on topics with no activity for about a month or 2. Thanks! :grinning:

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It is allowed to necro if you are adding something valuable to the suggestion though.


But really all my man said was

Also it makes me annoyed looking at how he capitalised the start of every word :grimacing:



i keep paining everytime seeing stuff like that

I dont like the idea sorry because if a youtuber was like afk in hub players would like just punch them with the enchanted book and there chat would be spammed with invites sorry I’m not gonna accept this

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it wasn’t really valid, just an opinion

Bump, it would also be cool if you could punch people with the name tag to add them to your friends list

Support, It would be better for mobile players. :crazy_face:

Wow, this is such a good suggestion, this can help so much when trying to invite someone to a party and he/she moves a lot.

this is totally true my brother took like 5 minutes to invite someone because i was too busy

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Bump because this is an e :b:ic suggestion and so new forumers can vote on it.

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this post is like a year old almost

It’s not a duplicate the other post: Attacking someone in the hub while holding friend or party invites him to party
was created after this one

Wow bro, really? It’s totally not like that suggestion was created after he posted that comment, a year ago. I believe he was probably referring to something else.

Also hey I didn’t know this suggestion was by Lil Tub Bubble.


? I was saying to the person that Sayed this was a duplicate Punching A player With the party Book Invite them to Your Party - #2 by Ryan. That the other post post was a duplicate because this post Punching A player With the party Book Invite them to Your Party
Was created before this post Attacking someone in the hub while holding friend or party invites him to party - #2 by BlueSlimeMC so this post Attacking someone in the hub while holding friend or party invites him to party - #2 by BlueSlimeMC was a duplicate and not this one Punching A player With the party Book Invite them to Your Party if you understand what I mean

He was referring to another suggestion probably, because Attacking someone in the hub while holding friend or party invites him to party - #2 by BlueSlimeMC was created long after this post, long after he was banned