Proper water/lava physics

proper water/lava physics in JB. Right now, when u place a lava or water bucket, the water/lava doesnt spread. I think i’d be nice to have proper physic for them.

right click to change the state of the block, eg flowing or just flow in 1 block (if u know what I mean)


But won’t flowing lava and water cause lag ?

Make water or Lava toggleable like some of the other blocks (campfire etc.) instead of making them different things!

But idk if it would cause lag :man_shrugging:


I like the water and lava how it is, because you can make everything custom, like maybe a custom flowing fountain, or a statue made of water.

I do agree with Jasreet though, you should be able to toggle it if you want to have normal physics.

They could add still water and flowing water

I don’t think lag would be too bad.

You are new to the forums, so when posting, please check the date of the post, it was nine months ago, only bump posts if you have something contributing to add to it,

and yes I have played on low end pc, so I know there will be a little lag

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