Pro rank for top leaderboard players(Idea)

In my opinion, this is a controversial discussion like ranked game modes, and this will create some toxicity as players would want to grind for this even more but don’t get it. I think some players though will be content if there was a cosmetic added because not all of Hive are competitive players. My suggestion would to add maybe like a cosmetic in-game for the game they placed on Leaderboards for. (New Treasure, New Spawn Pedastal, New DR Cape, etc. Although I could see some players getting toxic over this.)


I have a idea, why don’t they add like a costume for the top 100 and a cosmetic for that game mode for the top 1000 and maybe for all the other places, they add like a hub title or something like, (the frog title), so everyone gets something and it won’t leave really anyone out.!

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This will cause the same problem as the ones mentioned above…

how? I mean the leaderboards are already toxic

it would make it less toxic

Try not to double post. But as Orbi said, leaderboard prizes are coming in the near future (pets, mounts, costumes etc.?)


Personally, I really don’t like this idea. It rewards a tiny part of the community, a lot of which won’t even benefit from it, for a lot of LB players continue to grind the LB, even after they have reached #1 multiple times. Hive doesn’t want to be a super competitive server, so why should they reward the competitive part?

Yeah no. This isn’t a participation prize, and if people have to compete to earn something to get a reward, there will be insane levels of toxicity. Lets take Hypixel as an example, their ranked Skywars adds a ton of toxicity, a ton of hackers, a whole lot of effort for the staff team and almost nothing positive. The leaderboards are toxic enough where Hive just needs to give the LB community the silent treatment and let the community die out before they bring attention back to it, and if they reward the LB community, the community will explode with players. Oh. And it would explode with more toxicity than ever.

I don’t want to paint Hive as a greedy company when I say this. Hive sells perks and cosmetics for a block game, do you think they can afford to lose part of their biggest source of income for nothing?


this a good idea! thanks for anyone who bumped it.

however that would just make those who lost the chance to get it for a month become a bit toxic due to jealousy?

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like thatOthrNerd said
this will create a lot of toxicity and maybe more hackers who wanna get leaderbord ranks will appear