Poseidon kit

Here is a kit idea I cane up with a bit ago, and in sharing it now :slight_smile:
Here it is:

One loyalty 2 Trident
One water bucket
One hit Knockback Nemo(slightly nerfed, does less knockback)
Maybe a fishing rod?

Gain one one hit Knockback Nemo(same as the starter) per kill

I feel like this kit could be good, a counter to the void walker kit.
I mean it needs to have some reason people would pick it.

Anyway, that’s all for now, thanks for reading, and please leave feedback!

I think that kit has too many items/perks. In my opinion it should be split into two, the drowned kit, and the fisherman kit. The drowned kit will take the Trident and water bucket, while the fisherman kit will take the fishing rod and the nemo with the ability.
Either way, great idea! Voted!


Yeah, that works. I was thinking the fishing rod might feel out of place


One hit Knockback Nemo per kill? If the player has too many kills it’ll overflow their inventory

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How? They stack in 64. You can’t get more than 12 kills in one game.


they only need 1?

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huh? What do you mean?


they only need 1 knockback nemo and uh yeah about the inventory overflowing maybe i was wrong

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No. The nemos would all be one hit.

Anyway great idea. Voted!