Player Teleporter Update

Player Teleporter Update

The Player Teleporter is a useful item to teleport to players more easily. But there is one QoL (Quality of life) feature missing: Colors. :rainbow:

Why should team colors be displayed?

Anyone who has ever tried to teleport to the murderer in Murder Mystery or to a hider in Hide and Seek knows how often you have to use the teleporter until you are next to the player you want to be.

What would the updated player teleporters look like?

The gamertags of the players would simply be changed to their team color! I made 3 examples for Murder Mystery, DeathRun and Hide and Seek.

Murder Mystery

The color of Innocents would be green (§a), of the Sheriff blue (§9) and of Murderer red (§c)

  • Green (§a): Colors | Innocent
  • Blue (§9): Colors | Sheriff
  • Red (§c): Colors | Murderer

Before □

After ☆


The color of Runners would be green (§a) and of Deaths red (§c)

  • Green (§a): Colors | Runner
  • Red (§c): Colors | Death

Before □

After ☆

Hide and Seek

The color of Hiders would be yellow (§e) and of Seekers red (§c)

  • Yellow (§e): Colors | Hider
  • Red (§c): Colors | Seeker

Before □

After ☆

In the team-based games (Treasure Wars, Just Build, SkyWars & Survival Games) the player teleporter color would be the same as the team color. (e. g. Magenta Team = Magenta (§d) color)

All colors



I feel like having it tell you what role players are in murder mystery will lead to problems with ghosting as it’ll be easier for people to tell each other who the murderer is if they are in a party or someone telling the murderer who the sheriff is so they can target them. But aside from that I think it’s a good idea!


I mean, ghosting is hard to do in murd unless you have an xbox party rn

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or a discord party and if you do this call your friend on your actual phone


Bump cause one of the dupes just got closed


I wish this could be added

:warning: Bump :warning:

I edited the post to add more information and make it more comfortable to read through. :stuck_out_tongue:


Idk why this isnt added


Bump gor more people see ok

Hey hey hey.

I love this idea, except the Murder Mystery one. People could tell others who the Murder is which would be unfair (Especially in a Party Chat) Other than that, the idea seems great :slight_smile: You have my vote!!


(Party chat) Ghosting only affects very few players and doesn’t change the fact that ghosting is against the server rules. At the end of the day you can always tell who the murderer is while spectating, regardless of whether this was added or not (because you either got killed by the murderer, or you saw the murderer holding their sword). :D

This would not only be pretty cool to look at, it would also be incredible helpful for finding innocents teaming with the murderer or collecting video evidence, as you currently can only report Murder Mystery teaming when the murderer is clearly not killing an innocent with their weapon and vice versa. :blobheart:


voted, this is a very cool idea and would make the game much easier, especially if this was possible in the replay mod as well to find hiders you missed in hide and seek (for example).

This is a very well-thought-out suggestion, and I agree! :smiley: This could be implemented in almost every game to represent teams. Capture the Flag, for example.

Okay then :slight_smile: I hope this idea gets accepted!

Bump, as I feel this would be very useful in game


could this also happen with the replay pass?

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very cool idea, voted

I agree with this. Everything else is great tho! Voted!

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