Pirate kit in Skywars Kits

This will be my last kit for now…

  • Gives you an Iron Sword and 2 regular boomboxes at the start.
  • Slightly increase chance of all rare items in Gold, Diamond and Emerald Ore.
  • Slightly have more loot on chests and ender chests, so you have a slight chance to get full diamond on one ender chest (Mystery chest doesn’t affect by this).
  • There’s a 40% chance you get a regular boombox when killing a player.
  • There’s 30% chance you get a special item called “Rum” at the start of the game. It’s basically a random potion with 4 possible effects. 2 good and 2 bad effects.
    Good effects: Strength, Resistance
    Bad effects: Weakness, Slowness
    All of the effects only last 7 seconds
  • With the pirate kit, there’s a 20% chance you can get “Rum” from an emerald ore. Other players with no Pirate Kit can still steal and use it. (Increased ability doesn’t affect by this).
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Not a bad idea

The rum and the chest loot are very creative

imo, 7 seconds is useless. It should be more like 10-15

PS, you can vote for your own suggestions

You got my vote

Because strength and resistance is op so I only made them 7

Bump for discussions

I like it, honestly

but there needs to be more to it, the most OP thing is the rum, and even THAT is really underpowered compared to the rest of the kits

This is a very interesting and creative idea.

I tried to make it as balanced as I can

Is it allowed to bump over and over again

I mean don’t do it super often if no one is posting after you bumped. If no ones responding to your bumps that means no ones really interested in it. You can do it as long as you don’t spam bumps over and over again