Well they fixed glitch for the limited time hub that had no harm and was actually really fun but I am also the one who told the entire server about the glitch lol
So these shouldn’t be hard to fix it’s a simple block place :slight_smile:

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Wow guys this sure is a great idea that would just require a simple block place and also wouldn’t require a hub restart and also yes

And it’s not hard to restart a hub it just requires people to rejoin if they were in hub

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yes, but that glitch was a lot more important to fix than a singular block on a limited time hub


Ah if the limited time hub thing is the problem I should just let hive focus on fixing the 38 errors in the permanent arcade hub hive you should really fix some of those errors :slight_smile:


Wait, 38 ERRORS!

You have to understand the build team has a live to,do you think hey focus there entire life to building.Also these errors don’t effect the hub at all it is meant for a temporary place not a permanent stay.


It’s simply a suggestion, not an order. We all know the build team has a life, but it would be nice of they fixed these errors if they had some time left.

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You do realize some of these could be classified as texturing right?

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I totally agree with pug here:

4 and 5 make sense (as intentional), texturing + there’s a lot of it near the edge of the docks

And 6 and 7? How did you even think that was an error?? It’s literally half slabs ofc it’s intentional, It’s meant to seem like it’s built on supports because near a sea ground is moist so it would sink in if it wasn’t being raised up, you know, like a boardwalk?


I did those as errors because they appear no where else on the dock areas, and look out of place

I don’t think hive would wants players to look under there and the reason it most likely is there is because there are wood slabs above it so they couldn’t place stone brick slabs,

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ok so why you pointing these out. if no one’s gonna look there, then why fix such a small thing

Because it makes it overall better quality, and Hive talks about their “quality” all the time, so why don’t they live up to their own expectations.

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Ye what that person said

ok that fair ig