Simple idea, make the murderer being able to see the red, blue and yellow cube in order to protect them, as the murderer currently has a huge disadvantage on Pigment. :)
(This could also be combined with a reward for the murderer when collecting all three cubes, for example armor that protects you for one hit, a second throwable, 10 seconds of invinsibility, etc.)
I dont agree with this bc, A. it takes people almost as much time to collect 10 coins as it is to find all 3 cubes, and tbh I think that it wouldn’t be as special if the murderer was also able to get the abilitys
There are currently only about 10 cube spawns and once you know them you usually get a bow within 10 to 20 seconds depending on how close they spawn next to each other.
Another disadvantage for the murderer is that innocents can proof each other. When you are an innocent and you see other players going straight for a cube and clicking it they are very unlikely the murderer. As the murderer isn’t currently able to see the cubes he can’t really do much about that.
The reward is just a bonus that could be added on top of the ability to see the cubes to balance gameplay on Pigment a bit further.
It would make the cubes for the murderer to be special too. Currently playing on Pigment as the murderer just feels like an Office 2.0 as you can’t interact with the main map concept. The only thing you can get is speed, however the innocents can earn a second arrow.