Phoenix/Angel Wing Back Bling

I think it would be cool if u guys added an Angel Wing back bling.

Basically, white wings made of many feathers that look like angel wings. Additionally, there could be different colored varients such as angel wings that are recolored to look like phoenix wings (similar to lunar wing varients).

Why add them?

Angel wings would probably be a popular cosmetic, and a phoenix wing variant would make it even better!

maybe angel/devil variants, I dont see how phoenixes and angels are related. I love the idea of phoenix wings tho, maybe bird wings with a phoenix variant, blue variant, etc


Yeah birb wings please furnix wings


Basically, pheonix wings are just orange and yellow angel wings. They both are made of feathers


Could you slighty hover?

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Dont think they would add the hovering thing, but that would be cool


I second this!!! I can’t second this enough!!! Mineville even used to have angel wings, although they’re no longer functional. They still exist in the cosmetics menu, I own them, they just don’t appear anymore when equipped. It’s too bad because I bought them about a month before they broke :frowning: They were the most awesome add-on ever. It’s a literal “shutupandtakemymoney” moment. If you do bring them in, I’d prefer Angel over Phoenix (personally).


Which film is that hatter from?

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Batman The Animated Series from the 90s :slight_smile:


basically the thing from that one fire queen costume?


Mineville doesnt work for me for sum reason

WINGS ARE IN BABY!!! Bought’em up!

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But there still arent phoenix wings :frowning:

I would possibly quit the Hive. You might see that I’m a Christian.
Let’s move to this cool idea! Wings would be cool, So yes. Also welcome back @IsntPhoenix!


Now i look a this post again i just instantly thought phoenix wright even though i dont play it and if it was would it be like law papers and stuff??

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Agreed, but I wouldn’t quit the Hive, but be mad at it.

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Yes that’s the stage I’m currently but for something different
Well anyways wings are pretty cool ideas.

They might have added them…

Let’s move this to Accepted ideas!

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Oh this might be why @kingcjt98 quit

What? Why?