Phase through walls in replay

It would be nice if The Hive gave us an option to phase through walls in replay mode. Just like how you can in Java’s spectator mode.

A great use for this would be; In Treasure Wars MEGA players like to hide and sometimes fight inside a large box, where their main treasure is at. It can be difficult to watch the fight inside it unless you rewind and and try to find an opening so you can get inside as well.

But if we had an option to phase through walls, this will no longer be a issue.


i dont think it is possible due to the inexistence of spectator mode, but you dont know the possibilities of coding

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I think Cubecraft allows spectators to phase through walls. Or maybe I am thinking of another Bedrock server. Can’t really remember. I don’t play on other servers very often lol

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even i dont remember much, i dont play, but if the server is a cross platform server then i think it’s possible

Yeah it is. Here’s a quick video of how the Cubecraft spectating works for their Bedrock server. So It might be possible for The Hive to do this for replay :slight_smile:


I Think They Should Have 2 Options For It, 1.) Normally As It Is Right Now & 2.) Phasing Through Blocks. Players Can Choose Whatever They Prefer More. Also, Regarding The Difficulties Of Coding, I Don’t Think It’s Much Of A Problem As They Already Have Phasing In Spectator’s View Currently.

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I just wanted to record this to show that it can be quite difficult to watch fights in confined areas. The ability to phase through walls will solve this and will be much appreciated. :slight_smile:

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Thank you Hive :heart: Many will really appreciate this. :slight_smile:


Wait they added it?

Yes they did! It’s great! :smiley:

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Just make sure you’re flying when enabling it cause if you aren’t you need to disable it, then fly, then re-enable to move up and down…

Oh yeah, need to report that in the bug report section
edit: Ok it’s been reported :slight_smile:

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