Why not give it a little cloud?


i need beautiful snakey in the game


The eyes look fine but the mouth is a bit like a dog? And also i think it would be great with magical white wings for sum reason. And also could the Python variant somehow tie in with Python the progamming language?

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this was such an old model that sucks so expect it to be like a different animal


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Ooh sudden pfp change!!

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yes, but keep it on topic smh

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I like the idea of a pet on the floor not just floating but also still moving not standing still like the rock pet! voted! Will the snake have a tool box (in your inventory) to change the variant just like the car mount?

You click on it just like the pet dragon

How does it fly? I think people asked this before but I’m just making sure.

i really dont know
so much but idk

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