Overpowered vents

vents should be less overpowered for Minecraft sheriffs in the office map.

How are they overpowered?

no room to dodge the zapper

Also I hate office so im fine with vents being annoying, just play a better map (toyhouse, for example)


But there is also no room to dodge the throwable, so it kinda balances out


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You can vote for your own suggestion!
Anyways this is a fan favorite map, so most likely the won’t change the vents on it. Don’t want to upset the community.

Idk how people like it, its an awful map in my opinion, looks cool, but thats all.

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The throwable has a wider hitbox and often gets destroyed on a wall, and the bow is instant while the throwable takes time. I agree with absurd though

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Hi @xTvkyq Welcome to the forums! :wave:
(Yes i’m back to give descriptions on suggestions guys)

So going onto the vents, the vents are small on the office map because they are well… vents ofc however the solution would be to stay out of the vents if you are to dislike them so much and you die easier, while I agree it is easy for the murderer and sheriff to kill in there, its a vent so its meant to be a small space (warehouse has bigger vents because warehouses tend to have these to cycle air faster)

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