Orbiting Moon Hat

I feel like the title is pretty self-explanatory. It is a hat that is the moon. It could maybe orbit around your head or float above it. Maybe it could have those magic square things that the Orbit costume has.

Ty to @ThunderBoomPika for this amazing concept! :smile:

ahem I present to you… The MODEL!
Here it is!

Here’s the imagine download if anyone wants it!


why not have the sun (or earth (cry abt it)) on top and have some other planets too


Hmmm, could design that :stuck_out_tongue:

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solar system hat??


Yoo solar system hat would be cool! But the moon hat is a more reasonable request, and I’m all for it!


That hat looks a bit too thicc to go around the player, but it looks awesome!

Also, I gotta agree, a solar system hat with 2x2x2 planets would be cool…

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Bump cuz I have a good idea. Y’all know the green magic theme around the orbit costume, the sorcery spawn pedestal in skywars and the green magic runner trail from deathrun? Yeah, I guess it could have some parts where it has that green stuff (idk what it’s called).

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buummpummmp. Buunmmumpummum.


I like the hat maybe for an event that The Hive can put in game!

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