Open the Closed Buildings

Please open the closed buildings in the Town Square in hide and seek.

This would be a good addition in hide and seek during its quality of life update! :blush:

If you have any feedback, please leave a comment! :smile:

Personally I think this would be too much for seekers to handle, with all the open building and all the anvils constantly running around. anyone who’s that kind of player… why


Ok… I understand your pov… but Ty for the feedback! :smile:


Idt town square is the map to do it (this map carries bad runners (circles and circles and even more circles)) but other maps like plasma and pripyat could benefit from more areas being opened up! Specifically, moving the pripyat boundaries back to where they were on hive java and opening up more rooms on plasma.

I do like the idea of opening up more areas on maps but idt town square is the map to do it on, it’s already fairly hider-advantaged. Other maps (not pripyat or plasma I already said them) that would benefit from this are:

goldrush (that stairway over on the right side of the map could lead to a small room)
nexus (open back up that room behind those double doors on the bottom of the map)
talavera (I’m sure a second floor somewhere could be added to an only first-floor room)
I’m sure there are others but I’m forgetting them

(edit - the goldrush and nexus changes have been implemented :smile: )


Ok… I like the idea for gold rush tho! there are stairs that you can’t go up… Ty for the feedback! :smile:

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